Credit Counseling
At Credit 760, our motto is ‘Financial Independence Begins with Good Credit’. Simply put, it’s almost impossible to become financially independent without good credit.
You need it to buy a home, buy investment Real Estate, obtain business financing, and to qualify for the best interest rates on all financing from your car to your home. The starting point to building wealth and independence properly is having an excellent credit score.
Maximizing your credit score to its fullest potential takes multiple areas of focus, a certain degree of knowledge of how your financial behaviors affect your credit profile & scores, and a long-term commitment to following the fundamentals of handling credit so that your score is always on the rise…slowly but surely climbing to the 760 mark or higher.
"One of the fundamental principles of our company’s performance
is our guarantee of maximum results in a 6-month time frame."
Raise your score 100 points.
If you need to resolve some problems from your history with creditors or collection agencies.
If you need help with establishing and building new credit properly,
6 months is the only time commitment we ask of our clients to allow our systems, processes & strategies to work for them.
Getting out of debt
Our programs provide 3 different systems & processes for getting out of debt. When you talk to one of our professionals the best options will be made clear to you.
Get your Credit 760 Date!!!!
Our ‘Credit 760 Date’ is something we like to give each client at the beginning. Before starting any work, we analyze our client’s credit and put together what we call a ‘Client Specific Game plan’, and this lays out everything that we are going to do over the next 6 months to maximize the increase in our client’s credit score.
On top of that, the work continues well beyond the 6-month mark. Certain functions need to take place such as Length of Credit History, and sometimes certain items will take some time to update the way we need them to. Our breakdown of everything that is going to unfold over the upcoming months is explained in detail and our opinion of the time the client’s credit score will reach the 760 mark is given. Our accuracy in our predictions has been remarkable so far.